Mill Creek Diversion Chamber

Cincinnati, Ohio


Ulliman Schutte Construction, LLC.


Burgess & Niple Engineering




2020- 2021

D.CaseStudies Mill Creek Geottle Web 1
Griffin Difference

Griffin’s Engineering and Design Team provided a design that lowered the piezometric groundwater level to the required depth. Griffin’s Operation Team worked long hours to install the system, some days up to 16 hours and on weekends to meet the mutually agreed schedule.

We also worked closely with other sub-contractors and the Contractor on design changes, including the placement of three additional wells in manhole structures. All work was completed within an aggressive schedule and portions were able to help toward the MBE/WBE requirements of the project.


Winter installation next to Mill Creek that required drilling through an upper layer of Urban Fill to a depth of 100’ +/- in high permeability soils. The performance-based design involved relieving hydrostatic pressures to a depth of 63’ below ground surface. The site required two discharge locations and burial of some of the discharge piping.


Griffin provided turnkey drilling and installation operations for the deep well system. Due to difficulty drilling through the urban fill a specialized drilling subcontractor was utilized to drill the upper portion of each well. The high flows required 24” HDPE discharge piping and flow meters to monitor the flow rates for reporting.



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