San Diego, California
Turner Construction
The project required the installation of interior (inside the excavation) and exterior (outside the excavation) wells capable of lowering the water table below designed subgrade inside the excavation. Griffin was able to install piezometers around the site and continually measure piezometric water level to verify levels below the subgrades of all the proposed structures.
The onsite geology consists of multiple layers of impermeable material, preventing smooth seepage of water and causing the presence of perched water conditions. The breadth of work at the site and multiple structures made coordination of the dewatering system installation and operation critical to the project’s success.
A sump/trench and interior well dewatering program was implemented in December 2020 to tackle and control any perched/trapped water. The dewatering system installed and designed by Griffin consisted of 75+ interior and exterior deep wells. Wells were drilled to 60 ft. below ground surface.
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